Gender: male

Year of birth: October 14, 1978

Place of birth: Dong Nai, Viet Nam

Native place: Viet Nam

University degree major: Mathematics; Training Institution: Ho Chi Minh city University of Education



Education levelDoctor; Year: 2008; Major: Mathematics and Computer Science; Training Institution: Grenoble 1 University, France

Foreign Language: English, French.


Teaching and working summary

11/2000: Lecturer at Department of Mathematics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education

Scientific research



[1] A Case Study of Teaching the Concept of Differential in Mathematics Teacher Training. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science, Volum 6, Issue 3, pp 40 -48. Year 2017.

[2] Limitations of secondary school students in solving a type of task relating to the equation of a circle: an investigation in Viet Nam. European Journal of Education Studies, Special Issue 3, pp 103-111. Year 2017.

[3] Errors of students in solving problem “Write the equation of a straight line through a point and parallel to a viven straight line”: a study based on the concept “Didactical contract”. European Journal of Education Studies, Volum 3, Issue 5, pp 136-142. Year 2017.

[4] Duong Huu Tong, Le A survey of students’ ability of identifying errors in wrong solutions for the mathematical problems related to the monotonicity of functions. European Journal of Education Studies, Volum 3, Issue 10, pp 270-283. Year 2017.